November Birthstone
November, another dual stone month after October, has Topaz and Citrine as its gemstones. People born during the month of November can choose between the two or may wear both, but it’s best to follow your astrologer’s advice and wear the one as he suggests. Birthstone/s as you already are aware, are worn to bring in a better time in your life concerning your health, spirit and other personal and professional issues. They are believed to be luck enhancers.
Topaz is the traditional birthstone of November which is generally colourless in its mineral form but has a tinge of yellow, green, blue and/or brown hues. Topaz as a gemstone comes in a trimetric crystalline shape and has a big make available in gold, yellow, peach, green, red, pink or violet and light to medium blue colour, the most precious and rarest type being the one with a reddish orange and pink colour mix. Characteristic qualities of Topaz are loyalty, constancy, friendship and faithfulness. The wearer of this gem is believed to experience a spiritual transformation and also feel rejuvenated and contented.
Topaz is also well known for its metaphysical properties and is traditionally worn to gain mental strength, balance emotions and feelings and attain relaxation by the release of stress and tension. It’s also said to cool down boiling water i.e. to calm you down when in excessive rage. Like all gemstones, Topaz also works effectively in healing physical illnesses like asthma, blood ailments, hemorrhage, gout, tuberculosis, insomnia and insanity. It is also worn as a shield to protect you from harm and guide you through tough times. Topaz is a relatively cheap stone and hence you can wear it in brooches, cufflinks, bracelets, earrings, pins and pendants and so on.
Citrine is the secondary or alternate birthstone of this November month and is known for its cheerful qualitiesthat make its wearer lighthearted and hopeful and humorous. It is said to detoxify and relax the body by cleansing away the toxins. Citrine, being a variant of quartz, is also known as the healing quartz due to its positive effect on vitality and health in general. It is available in a range of pastel yellow to dark brown colors. Citrine is easily affordable and abundantly available in nature.